Monday, September 19, 2011

Big Mac isn't... But it's DELI!

About to leave work last Saturday when I rolled my eyes thinking of the pending grueling noontime heat. The sun didn't spare me a bit and kept shining like I am enjoying every minute of it. Not few minutes after I seated myself in the bus... I dozed off and woke up to a very confusing semi dark surroundings. Looking up.. dark clouds began to form ahead of us in a manner of "BIG" rain. Watching the bus making its quick moves, I felt like we're racing to the dungeon and fight the unknown (daw)
 but... there's no story here, only an introduction on how I came to ravish a BIG MAC on a sunny, rainy Saturday afternoon.

I stepped down the bus and rain was pouring. I got stranded at a nearby McDonalds. I ordered me BIG Mac (my 1st, probably 2nd time) and I noticed something.. They're not as tall as they look on display pictures.

                                                    This is what I was hoping to get

                                                              This is more likely what I got.. 

 Nevertheless... I ENJOYED IT! and I'm gonna do it AGAIN :d

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  1. DIsappointing at times specially when your imagination is running...pagnaorder mo na parang nagshrink hehhehehe

  2. I love McDo myself! Now this makes me want for one tuloy! :(

    Late visiting for FTF. My share is the Sweet Potato Roll transformed into a Birthday Cake. Lol. You are welcome to stop by mine too! Thanks!

  3. Parang may kulang na layer :) I prefer the quarterpounder myself na lumiit na din. Stopping by from Food Trip Friday!

    The Twerp and I


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